- August 22, 2018
- Posted by: Damian Arango
- Categories: Calls, Conferences

The Belt & Road Initiative: Opportunities and challenges in the Yangtze-River Economic Zone
Venue: Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan City, China
Dates: 2-5 December 2018
Host: Ocean College, Zhejiang University
- Professor Ming-Kim Lim, Executive Dean of College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University
- Professor Jin-Liang Yuan, Head, Faculty of Maritime and Transportation, Ningbo University
- Professor Ying-En Ge, Dean of College of Transport & Communications, Shanghai Maritime University
- Professor Chaozhong Wu, Director of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Center, Wuhan University of Technology
- Professor Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Director of Maritime Logistics and Free Trade Islands Research Center, Zhejiang University
The Conference background
The Yangtze-River Research and Innovation Belt (Y-RIB) has been organized to achieve three folds of aims: envisioning a long-term blueprint for a state-of-the-art globalized educational and industrial environment, setting up a platform of a global educational and research strategic alliance, and meeting a growing demand for talent cultivation and joint research on transport, international logistics and trade, which are related to the Belt and Road Initiative, the river-sea inter-modal transport service, and the Yangtze River Economic Zone. As an initial step to achieve the above, the first Conference will be held on 2-5 December 2018 at Ocean College, Zhejiang University in Zhoushan, China. This event will contribute to exchanging valuable ideas, outcomes, and information related to the above issues and to exploring opportunities and challenges in the context of the globalized economy, transport system and logistics. This Conference will also be a nexus of academia, businessmen, and policy-makers to share novel scientific research as well as innovative managerial experiences and technologies.All of your expanded abstracts are welcomed.
Conference topics
Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following.
- Multimodal transportation system planning for Yangtze River Economic Belt
- River sea combined transport system
- Impact of Transport Infrastructure on Regional Development
- Sustainability issues in shipping, port and maritime logistics
- Sino-Europe railway liner
- Autonomous shipping
- Industry relocation and economic development of western and central provinces
- Environmental issues in Yangtze-River zone development
- Shipping capacities of three-gorges lock
- Issues and opportunities of river cruise industry
- Emerging technologies
- The role of Free Trade Zones in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
- Climate adaptation changes in the Yangtze River
- Navigation safety
- Economies of cargo flow
- Lessons from European short sea shipping
Conference Key dates
- Submission of expanded abstracts: Extended to 10 September, 2018
- Notification of acceptance*: Extended to 30 September, 2018
- Registration open: 15 October, 2018
- Registration due date: Extended to 10 November, 2018
Expanded Abstract Format and Submission
Each expanded abstract contains 800 to 1,000 words including maximum 10 key references. The template file of the expanded abstract is available on request by email to Ms. Kathy Lu (email address: yunlu@zju.edu.cn) until it is available on the Conference website (*to be announced). The expanded abstracts should be submitted to the Conference Organizer: BOTH y-rib.office@zju.edu.cn AND yriboffice@126.com.
Publications: International journals (SSCI) arranged for the Conference
Choice expanded abstracts presented at the Conferencewill be invited to submit the corresponding full papersfor the consideration of publishing in the following four SSCI journals,i.e.Special issue of Transportation Research Part A, Special issue of Sustainability, Maritime Policy & Management(Special issue to be announced), and International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications.
Scientific Steering Committee
- Cullinane, Kevin, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Fu, Xiaowen, University of Sydney, Australia
- Li, Kevin X., Chung-Ang University, Korea
- Meng, Qiang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Moon, Ilkyeong, Seoul National University, Korea
- Ortuzar, Juan de Dios, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile
- Suthiwartnarueput, Kamonchanok, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- Yan, Xin-Ping, Wuhan University of Technology, China
- Yang, Zaili, Liverpool John Moores University, UK