- May 6, 2018
- Posted by: Damian Arango
- Category: IAME News

Dear IAME members,
With the five-years term of the present IAME Secretariat expiring at the end of 2018, we would like to invite submission of proposals by those interested in assuming responsibility to host the Secretariat and provide the Secretary of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) for the next five (5) years (2019-2024).
The non-exclusive list of tasks of the IAME Permanent Secretariat and the Secretary includes:
- Monitoring and processing membership payments
- Responsibility for bank account and merchant services
- Ensuring that membership list and any databases are updated are updated regularly
- Preserving and expanding the communication network of IAME
- Distributing global e-mails on behalf of members
- Responding to members’ queries
- Organize bi‐annual Council elections
- Prepare and distribute minutes of Council and general meetings
- Updating the web
- Any other relevant tasks.
Building upon past experiences with previous secretariats, IAME can be expected to co-fund the work of the secretariat with a fixed annual amount. The capacity of the host/ University to provide some extra financial support for the operation of the Secretariat will be a plus.
Interested parties are invited to submit their proposal to the current secretariat by July 30th 2018.
The exact details of the new agreement and the decision of assigning the new secretariat from January 2019 onwards will be taken by the new Council, which will assume its functions in September 2018.
After evaluating the bid(s) received, IAME will sign a formal agreement with the host University for a fixed term of 5 years (renewable).
For further information, you might contact either IAME President Dr. Jan Hoffmann (E. president@mar-economist.org), or the current IAME Secretary Dr. Thanos Pallis (E. secretariat@mar-economists.org),
Best Regards,
Jan Hoffmann
IAME President