- May 14, 2024
- Posted by: Melissa Scott
- Category: IAME News

Dear IAME members and community,
2024 is an election year for Council and President and below we inform you about the process that will be followed up to the IAME 2024 conference in Valencia.
The election process will run the next 6 weeks and take place as follows:
May 3rd – May 24th, 23.59 CET: Nomination period
May 24th– May 31st: Verification of nominations and closing of voting lists
June 1st – June 21st , 23.59 CET: Online voting period
June 27th: Communication of results
June 28th: 1st meeting of the new IAME Council for 2024-2026
- Candidate and voter eligibility
For all persons participating in the voting process (i.e. candidates, nominating persons, voters), they should have a valid paid-up membership for 2024, at the latest paid on May 24th, 2024. The following individuals are therefore eligible, per Council decision of January 19th, 2024, which considers the transition in membership arrangements following the AGM decisions of September 2023:
(1) Multi-year paid-up members with end date 30/06/2024 (or later) – as these were paid up already before the membership period change/harmonization
(2) Paid up members for membership year 2024/2025 by 24/05/2024 (new members and renewals)
(3) Registered conference participants by 24/05/2024 (non-member fee continuing / activating their membership starting 01/07/2024)
To renew membership, visit https://www.iame.ac/subscription-plan/ or register to the conference by selecting the non-member rate which includes 1-year membership.
Note that participants to the IAME 2023 Long Beach Conference having renewed by conference registration are asked to renew their membership by 24/05/2024 or to register at the non-member conference rate.
For Council Candidates (Closing date for nominations is May 24th at 23.59 CET), upon verification by the Nominations and Election Committee, they will be allowed to provide a brief bio that will be made available to the voters.
For President Candidates (Closing date for nominations is May 24th at 23.59 CET), upon verification by the Nominations and Election Committee, they are asked to provide a letter of intent and a vision for their presidency.
Note that per the IAME Constitution:
Art 21. The Council of the Association shall consist of the President, the Vice-Presidents (if any – the number of vice-presidents cannot exceed four), the Treasurer, the Secretary, and 10 other Members of the Association. To be nominated for Council and to hold office a person must be a paid-up member of the Association. To be considered for the position of President, Vice- President, Secretary, a person must have served at least one term (two years) on Council.
All nominations are to be sent to secretariat@iame.ac and Michael.Dooms@vub.be no later than May 24th, 2024
- Nominations and Elections Committee
The Committee is composed of Michaël Dooms (Secretary), Thanos Pallis (Immediate Past President), Adolf Ng and Gordon Wilmsmeier as outgoing Council Members not able to send for re-election as they have reached the 3 consecutive terms limit.
- Voting process
The voting will take place online and each voter will be provided with a unique token. The voting period will start June 1st and end June 21st at 23.59 CET. There will be no voting during the conference.
Frequent reminders and e-mail messages will be sent throughout the process.
Below we provide the relevant articles of the IAME constitution.
On behalf of the IAME Council,
Michaël Dooms, Secretary
- At the 1992 General Meeting and thereafter at intervals of two years, the Members of the Association shall elect the Members of the Council.
- Members of the Council, except for the Secretary and Treasurer, may not serve more than three consecutive terms of two years but may stand for re-election after a two-year break.
- The President shall be elected by the membership. The President shall not serve more than two consecutive terms, of two years each. The Secretary and Treasurer are Members in good standing of the Association and are appointed by Council. The Secretary and Treasurer may serve up to a period of 10 years at the pleasure of Council, i.e. an initial term of 5 years which can be extended with another 5 years after positive interim evaluation by the Council. After a term of 10 years, the Secretary and Treasurer can stand as a candidate again following a call among Members launched by the Council.
- The Members of the Council shall be elected by the Members of the Association. In the event of Members of the Council retiring or otherwise vacating their posts, their places shall be filled for the unexpired period of their term of office from among the defeated candidates in reverse order of elimination.
- The Past President and Secretary of the Council shall form a Nominating Committee with two Council Members not seeking re-election. The Nominating Committee will be responsible for nominating a slate of persons who agree to stand for the positions respectively of President and Council (ten members). The nomination list shall be distributed to Members not less than ten weeks before the General Meeting. Other candidates for President or membership of the Council may be nominated by any Member of the Association, provided the Secretary is advised in writing (including facsimile transmission or electronically), not less than six weeks before the General Meeting, under the signature of the Member, with the written agreement of the Candidate (including facsimile transmission or electronically), that he/she is willing to stand and meets the eligibility criteria as stipulated in Article 21. Candidates may, if they so wish, nominate themselves but in instances of self-nomination, the Candidate must have the written support of two Members of the Association and meet the eligibility criteria as stipulated in Article 21. Nominations shall close five weeks in advance of the General Meeting, so as to allow time for Members unable to attend the General Meeting to vote. All candidates for President are required to prepare a letter of intent and vision of their candidacy.
- A Member’s vote may be transmitted to the Secretary by post, facsimile transmission or electronically in advance of the close of voting, using the appropriate paper or online voting form. The information on the voting procedure and the list of Candidates for President and Council will be circulated with the notification of the General Meeting not less than four weeks before the Meeting.
- Ballots received prior to the General Meeting shall be counted and the results held confidential by scrutineers appointed by Council until completion of the counting of all ballots at the General Meeting. Arrangements for voting shall be made at the meeting site such that voting is possible prior to the General Meeting. Voting shall close 24 hours prior to the commencement of the General Meeting. A voters list shall be maintained under the authority of the Secretary.