IAME 2022 Conference: Call for papers and extended abstracts

Dear Colleagues,

The Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) and the Shanghai International Shipping Institute (SISI) in China would like to invite you to disseminate your wisdom and knowledge to the maritime industries at the IAME conference on the marvelous volcanic island of Jeju, Korea June 29-July 1, 2022.

Although the COVID-19 virus has threatened normal life in the world, the maritime industries demonstrate a flexible resilience to demand and supply. The theme selected for the conference of 2022 (www.iame2022.org) addresses the new circumstances of global trade, logistics, and the maritime industry arising from the COVID-19.

We announce the key dates: the call for full papers and extended abstracts and for feedback, assuming a conference in June 2022. We also welcome proposals for special/industry sessions. The template is attached at www.iame2022.org .

Deadline for full-paper/ extended abstract submission: March 15, 2022

Feedback to authors (full paper, extended abstract): April 15, 2022

Deadline for full-paper revised version submission: May 25, 2022

Deadline for pre-recorded presentation of online participation: June 15, 2022

The Conference takes place at Jeju, Korea June 29 to July 1, 2022

KMI and SISI have been preparing for special issues of international academic journals in the maritime, logistics, and transportation sectors such as Maritime Policy and Management (MPM) and Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL).

Should you wish to get more information on this, please feel free to contact the Secretariat Team at iamesc@kmi.re.kr or iame2022@kmi.re.kr.


Sincerely yours,

Young-Tae Chang

Conference Chair

Ex-President of Korea Maritime Institute


Jieshu Zhang

Conference Chair

Secretary-General of Shanghai International Shipping Institute