IAME Conferences: Mombasa (2018), Athens (2019), Hong Kong (2020)

IAME 2018 Conference – Thank you Mombasa for a great event

The International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) community would like to thank Vrije Universiteit Brussels, the chair of the organising Committee Michael Dooms and all members of the Organising committee of IAME 2018, for organising a most successful edition of the IAME Annual Conference.

IAME would also like to thank Kenya Port Authority, Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa, Kenya Maritime Authority, Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), University of Nairobi and Moi University, for their contribution to the excellent organisation of our annual flagship event.

Being the first ever Conference in Africa, IAME 2018 in Mombasa, Kenya was a historical moment for our Association. We are all confident that – given the quality of the event and the regional and global interest of maritime economists – this is the first of many IAME events to be held in the continent.

IAME 2019 Conference – Heading to Greece: Athens, 25 -28 June, 2019

 Having waived goodbye to Mombasa, Kenya, IAME is now heading to Greece: The IAME 2019 Annual Conference will take place in Athens, Greece, 25 -28 June, 2019.

The event is organised by the International Shipping and Finance Laboratory of the Athens University of Economics and Bushiness (AUEB), with Professor Manolis Kavoussanos chairing the Organising Committee.

Further particulars will be circulated to IAME members and friends soon – In the meantime you might visit the website of the Conference (link) for further information.

We are all looking forward to another successful edition of our Annual Conference.

IAME 2020 Conference – Next Destination: Hong Kong

IAME is pleased to announce that IAME 2020 will be held in Hong Kong. The event will be organised by the Shipping Research Centre of the Honk Kong Polytechnic University being the organiser. The Director of the Shipping Research Centre Professor Kee-hung Lai Chairing the Organising Committee.

The International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) had received five excellent bids from respective universities in three different continents aiming to organise IAME 2020 Conference. This was the highest number of interested teams within a single year in the 26 years history of IAME, signifying the strengthening of the Association and the increased interest in the on-going research and discussions of the IAME membership.

IAME would like to sincerely thank all teams for their efforts and for preparing excellent proposals and for the expression of interest in hosting the IAME 2020; and is looking forward for this interest to sustain so that they will all have the opportunity to organise a conference in the future.

IAME 2021 Conference

Finally, we will like to remind all IAME members that, in line with the Constitution, a call for the expression of interest for organising IAME 2021 Conference will be circulated in early 2019, with the deadline being the end of April 2019.