Maritime Economics & Logistics, Vol. 19, Issue 4

Maritime Economics & Logistics Volume 19 Issue 4 is now available online.


Important news
Call for Proposals – Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics
Palgrave Macmillan welcome submissions to this new interdisciplinary series that seeks to improve our understanding of the role of the maritime sector within the global economy. For more information, please contact


In this issue


Original Artcles
The effects of financial incentives on vessel speed reduction: Evidence from the Port of Long Beach Green Flag Incentive Program
Celeste Ahl, Elaine Frey & Seiji Steimetz


An automatic algorithm for generating seaborne transport pattern maps based on AIS
Haiying Jia, Ove Daae Lampe, Veronika Solteszova & Siri P. Strandenes


Dynamic route planning in the Baltic Sea Region – A cost-benefit analysis based on AIS data
Peter Andersson & Pernilla Ivehammar


Are recent tanker freight rates stationary?
Javier Población


Container shipping route design incorporating the costs of shipping, inland/feeder transport, inventory and CO2 emission
Nguyen Khoi Tran, Hans-Dietrich Haasis & Tobias Buer


Modeling transportation demand in short sea shipping
Tiago A Santos & C Guedes Soares


An empirical analysis of US vessel-related port accidents (2002–2012): Impact of union membership and port efficiency on accident incidence and economic damage
Jomon Aliyas Paul & Leo MacDonald


Short-term forecast of container throughout: An ARIMA-intervention model for the port of Antwerp
Yasmine Rashed, Hilde Meersman, Eddy Van de Voorde & Thierry Vanelslander