- January 8, 2018
- Posted by: Kleopatra Arapi
- Category: IAME News

Dear past, current and future fellow IAME members:
I am very pleased to share with you that after extensive consultations with you and the publishers of our associated journals, and keeping pace with today’s digital trends, from January 2018 onwards your IAME membership is offered to you at a significantly reduced annual fee of 90 GBP per year.
The membership includes full on-line access to our two associated journals Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL) and Maritime Policy and Management (MPM), including all current and past issues in pdf format.
As before, your membership includes the right to join our members-only conferences at the conference fee for members, access to the conference proceedings, and you will continue to be part of a growing network of maritime economists who exchange views, job-offers, calls for papers, book-discounts, conference invitations and more via our web-site, our electronic magazine The Maritime Economists, and via our social network groups.
For those who also wish to receive one or both of the two associated journals MEL and/or MPM in print, as an IAME member you are offered a special price of 30 GBP per year by the respective publishers. It will from now on be your choice if you wish to receive both, just one or none of the two journals as printed copies.
We believe that this new package is a significant improvement for all members. During our membership survey in 2016, the majority of you had said that on-line access to the journals is a priority, while a majority also said that they would be in favour of a lower membership fee.
For those who still prefer to receive the printed copies of one or both of the journals, the resulting combined cost of 90 GBP membership fee plus two times 30 GBP for the two journals in print is still lower than the previous (up to the end of 2017) annual membership fee of 160 GBP. In other words, all members will have lower costs than before.
We hope and expect that thanks to the 90 GBP fee we will be able to attract additional fellow-maritime economists to join (or re-join) our association, as some academics, especially in developing countries, have a high price elasticity for such memberships (economically speaking).
Please also note that special membership rates are applied for Emeritus Scholars (70 GBP per year) and for students (50 GBP per year). Corporate membership (corresponding to 5 members) stands at 400 GBP per year.
You might follow the link to renew your membership now.
I want to thank the Secretariat, fellow-Council members, publishers and editors for their support during the process of negotiating and preparing this new arrangement. I am confident that this is a win-win-win solution for members, journals and our Association.
Looking forward to our continued collaboration,
Jan Hoffmann