Call for papers: LOGMS 2017 – Bergen, Norway

The 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOGISTICS AND MARITIME SYSTEMS (LOGMS) will take place in Bergen, Norway in August 2017. Bergen is the perfect starting point for fjords, mountains and glaciers. It is also close to the Norwegian oil and gas activities, and we shall this time visit a rather special port, namely Mongstad, a port for upstream logistics services for the petroleum industry.
Call for Papers – LOGMS 2017, Bergen, Norway

All works related to theoretical developments and applications of logistics and maritime systems are welcome. Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Analytics in logistics and maritime systems
  • Automation in container terminals
  • Carrier alliances and collaborative logistics
  • Data science and IT-technologies in logistics and maritime systems
  • Design of transportation networks
  • Empty container management
  • Environmental issues in transportation
  • Freight rates and markets
  • Industrial applications in transportation systems (air, sea, road and rail transport)
  • Multimodal transportation systems
  • Onshore transportation of containers
  • Optimization modeling and simulation analysis of logistics systems
  • Performance measures and efficiency analysis in logistics systems
  • Port operations
  • Real-time control of logistics activities in container terminals
  • Scheduling in logistics and maritime systems
  • Ship routing and fleet management
  • Shipping maintenance and warehouse services
  • Stowage plans for container vessels
  • Terminal design and operation
  • Transport planning in freight carrier networks
  • Vehicle routing and fleet management

Abstracts should contain no more than 500 words. Full papers presented at the conference will be welcome for consideration of publication in a special issue of the Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (Springer).  You can find more information on the conference website:

Important dates:
30 January 2017
: Deadline abstract submission
1 March 2017:
Notification of acceptance/rejection
30 June 2017:
Speaker registration deadline

Conference starts: 23 August (18:00hr), 2017
Conference ends: 26 August (17:00hr), 2017