- March 19, 2018
- Posted by: Kleopatra Arapi
- Category: Uncategorized

Dear all,
Following your great interest in the conference with more than 180 abstracts received and due to some demand received, we have decided to grant an additional extension for the submission of your papers and extended abstracts:
1. Full papers
The new deadline for full papers to be included in the double-blind peer review track and eligible for publication in special issues related to the conference will be April 15th, 2018.
2. Extended abstracts
The final deadline for extended abstract submission will be May 15th, 2018. Full papers not submitted by April 15th will be automatically redirected to the extended abstract process.
3. Panel symposia
The deadline for panel symposia will be April 15th, 2018.
Decisions on inclusion in the program shall be communicated by June 1st, 2018. Please note that as in previous years, final inclusion will depend on registration of the presenter to the conference by July 31st, 2018. For panel symposia, given the format, registration is required by all proposed panel participants.
Please use the templates made available on the conference website www.iame2018.comand submit your contribution in the conference management system.
We intend to open on-line registration starting April. Separate information will be provided in the short term on housing and accommodation.
For information requests, please use the website form or iame2018@vub.be
Best wishes, and looking forward to host you in Kenya,
Michaël Dooms
Conference organizer