IAME Newsletter nr 47 – Spring 2019

Dear IAME Members,

 It is with great pleasure that I present to you our spring newsletter and my first as IAME Secretary. After the excellent event in Mombasa the IAME where our new president was elected, we have also finalized the structure of the new secretariat that will be based at Texas A&M in Galveston, with Joan Mileski as treasures and Cassia Galvao as Webmaster. In order to introduce you to the new members of the secretariat, in the coming couple of IAMEnews we will feature them with a short interview. But there is much more in this edition: a text on our upcoming conference in Athens, and two interviews with the IAME members who won the Onassis Prize in Shipping, as well as reports on current and planned activities. See the PDF version at your members’ area at https://www.mar-economists.org/iame-library/


 Michele Acciaro,

IAMEnews Editor


Spring 2019 nr. 47