#IAME2019 Conference Athens, Greece 25-28 June 2019: Call for papers

The 27th Annual IAME Conference, organized by the Athens University of Economics and Business, will be held in Athens, Greece, from 25th to 28th June 2019, under the theme “Significant issues of the maritime industry and the future: The role of the industry in a global transportation system, as part of a world sustainable economy, and related ship finance issues”.

The IAME 2019 Conference aims to provide an international forum to academics, researchers and industry practitioners for discussion, exchange of ideas, networking and collaboration on critical issues and developments related to maritime transportation worldwide, linking theory with practice and promoting innovative maritime research.

Major topics of the conference include: Challenges to free international trade, to a sustainable supply of food and energy, securing jobs and economic prosperity, human health and aging populations; The efficient use of resources, given society’s requirement to seriously take into account environmental factors and the ensuing policy requirements; The changing technological requirements to accommodate the above, which have preoccupied discussions in the industry; The substantial changes which have taken place at the way projects in the maritime industry are financed, the alternative sources of capital, the global financial markets and the discussion surrounding them will all be part of the conference.

The conference, being held in Greece – a country renowned for its strong maritime industry and one of the major Maritime Centres of the World, aims to attract key players of the maritime sector at a global level and international maritime companies to participate in conference activities. It is seen as an exceptional opportunity for delegates to participate in special sessions with shipowners of the largest shipowning nation in tonnage terms, and with experienced, highly skilled practitioners who have successfully designed and delivered crucial shipping finance projects.

The members of the Organising Committee are determined to offer delegates the experience of not only a high-quality academic conference but also Athens itself – its history, people, landscape, gastronomy, entertainment and hospitality.

Tentative Topics
The conference welcomes contributions under the form of full papers and extended abstracts focusing on – but not limited to – the following tentative topics:

  • Brokerage, insurance, shipping management and other maritime related services
  • Bulk Shipping
  • Business Risk Management tools and policies in the maritime sector
  • Cabotage restriction or liberalisation
  • Coastal shipping and connectivity challenges between islands, with the Eastern Mediterranean region as a paradigm
  • Connectivity challenges between islands with coastal shipping, with the Eastern Mediterranean region as a paradigm
  • Cruise shipping industry and its link with the tourist industry and the national economy, particularly in the Mediterranean region
  • Energy sources, oil, liquid natural gas, shale gas and bioenergy resources, and their effects on the maritime industry
  • Impact of international trade and global developments in maritime trade and sustainability
  • The role of the shipping industry for sustainable development of the world economy
  • Shipping markets, Bunkering
  • Financial instruments for effective financing of large scale projects, including ports and other public infrastructure projects – public-private partnerships in the financing of such projects
  • Financial tools for private projects in the shipping industry
  • Finance issues in the maritime industry
  • Flag and crew management
  • Hinterland Strategies & Intermodal Transport
  • Human resources and their management in shipping
  • Inland Waterways
  • Intermodal Transport
  • International shipping policies and regulations
  • International trade and the maritime industry
  • Logistics issues and their link with ports, the development of the new mega-ships and their impact on operations and economics
  • Maritime accidents
  • Maritime Business Strategy
  • Maritime clusters
  • Maritime education and training
  • Maritime Policy
  • Maritime rules and regulations
  • Maritime Safety & Security
  • Maritime Small and Medium Business
  • Multi-modal transportation
  • Operation research methods for shipping and terminals
  • Optimum ship-size
  • Pollution stemming from maritime activities and environmental issues
  • Ports and port economics
  • Policy issues in the maritime industry
  • The port of Piraeus as a developing hub port, the challenges it faces as an entry port of Asian traffic to Europe and particularly to North European markets. Its importance in the local economy
  • Shipyard activity and repairs and maintenance – cost competitiveness and quality
  • Technical developments in maritime transport

Contributions on research key topics of the shipping industry related to ‘local’ European, Mediterranean but also Global issues, are appreciated.

Papers submitted for the full review track of the IAME2019 Conference are eligible, if accepted, for publication in the conference associated journals and special issues.

Please note that each journal has different requirements for publication, so in some cases further edits or a new (double-blind) review process will have to be completed before publication.

Key Dates

Full review track:
Abstract submission: November 30th, 2018
Notification of acceptance: December 15th, 2018
Full paper submission: January 31st, 2019
Notification of acceptance and reviewer’s feedback to authors: March 15th, 2019
Final paper submission: April 25th, 2019
Conference registration deadline: May 25th, 2019
Conference delegates meet in Athens, Greece: June 25th – 28th, 2019
Presentation with an extended abstract only:
Extended abstract submission: February 15th, 2019
Acceptance notification to authors: March 15th, 2019
Conference registration deadline: May 25th, 2019
Conference delegates meet in Athens, Greece: June 25th – 28th, 2019


Please note that each conference participant cannot present more than two papers, irrespective of whether their contribution is accepted in the full review track or as an extended abstract.

Registration for participants without a presentation will be open until the conference dates.

Further Information
Further information can be obtained from the IAME 2019 conference website.
For any queries, please contact iame2019@aueb.gr.